Thursday, October 20, 2011

World Leaders and Supporting the Occupy Wall Street Movement

Just adding into the Occupy Wall Street movement I talked about earlier. Here’s who is supporting this movement.


Iran’s chief mad mullah, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, loves the protests, the government of China applauds them, and Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez is positively gung-ho.

Deductive reasoning would suggest that since these men, men that we all claim as Americans are not good people and are hurting their country, are in favor of this movement and are “gung-ho” that maybe it’s not a good idea. Wouldn’t it?


Let’s think. If these bad men like an idea and we think that they’re reasoning for things is “off” than it would also make me think that everything they think is a good idea probably isn’t. It alarms me. The same was true when Obama was elected. To have the middle east excited that we just elected this man to be our President really scared me. Still does. Americans typically do not agree with the politics and/or religion of the middle east and how they treat their people or other people for that matter, yet we elected the same man they were excited to see put there. Hello?!


“Because you should judge a man by his allies, our president might want to reconsider the villainous company he is keeping.”


I can’t say more. But I want you to read more. Read the whole article and get just as upset as I am. And then, lets do something about it.


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