Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Take 15

I have to admit…today I’m not feeling very thankful. But I guess these are the times when it’s best to find the stuff you are thankful for.


336. The best cup of hot chocolate this morning. It was really just a little packet, but I wanted it so badly. It hit the spot.

337. A great family trip to GA. So much fun!

338. Beau’s weekend away back backing. He loves it!

339. Cool evenings that allow us to sleep with the windows open.

340. Physical Therapy and on my way to being able to run again!


341. Corporate dinners-allows me to see my co-workers in a different light.

342. Paying off a loan!

343. Hand lotion before bed.

344. Doing a puzzle with Beau.

345. Date night tonight with the hubster.


346. Going downtown tonight to get some much needed errands completed.

347. God’s grace is sufficient.

348. Taking part in what our church is doing and where they’re headed.

349. Phone calls with friends.

350. Trivia night with Beau. And me getting a few answers right. J


351. We’re both healthy and happy.

352. Etiquette, manners, tradition and formalities (I am truly Southern.)

353. Creative juices are flowing!

354.  So helpful for staying within our budget!



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