Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Take 13

256. I have plenty of peanut butter (3.5 bottles to be exact) to last me past the increase in peanut butter prices.

257. Mom’s here for the week!

258. My family here for the weekend! It was great to see them all.

259. Everything is moved out of the old house and into the new house.

260. Donna, who cleaned up our new house so we could move everything in. And Mimi, who cleaned the sink!


261. Mom, who helped us clean the old house after moving out of it.

262. Working hard and becoming completely exhausted that we sleep like babies at night.

263. A new red velvet cake recipe that is now a keeper.

264. Ladies night tonight! A good evening with good friends.

265. Finally answers for my knee problem.


266. That after losing my paycheck, my company issued me a new one within 48 hours.

267. Children in our new neighborhood who have welcomed us by “booing” us. J

268. Gamecocks won on Saturday!

269. Seeing Martin and Ivania in Columbia Saturday. It had been so long!

270. God’s grace and teaching that has helped me to hold my tongue lately.


271. A dear friend that commented how much she likes reading “Thankful Thursdays”.

272. Matt A. who gave up his time and some of his supplies to help Beau install our surround sound.

273. Dinner Friday night with the Alexanders and their precious children.

274. My new walk-in closet that is mine and mine alone.

275. That while I’m in the kitchen, I can still take part in what is happening in the family room.


276. Found my Christmas dishes for super cheap at TJMaxx on Monday.

277. Columbus Day that gave me a day with no work!

278. Shopping with my mom on Monday. It had been way too long!

279. Riley’s Christmas gift donezo!

280. Christmas photo cards for the price of $1.49 in shipping!


281. Hot water from the kitchen sink.

282. My dad, who reinstalled the toilet, fixed the pipe, reinstalled the sink, fixed the pipe and hung the new light fixture.

283. Time at Lowe’s with dad. He helped me pick out my new light fixture. J

284. That Christopher is dating a girl who is uplifting, encouraging and kind to him.

285. We get to keep Frazier (Donna’s dog) until Sunday. He’s a great lap dog.


286. The walk mom, Beau and I went on last night after dinner. Relaxing and nice.

287. Sitting on the porch with my husband, drinking a glass of wine.

288. Dancing with Beau in the office.

289. Great conversations with Beau that just bring us closer together.

290. My cousin, Abbey, is pregnant with her first!


291. Seeing my cousin, Rachel, and her husband at the Carolina game Saturday. Memories.

292. Talking with a dear friend who’s home from China.

293. Heath bar

294. There is a YOBE near our new house so we don’t have to give it up afterall. Relief!

295. I haven’t broken my phone yet.


296. That I’m able to help with things that need to be done around the house.

297. A husband who’s thankful and grateful for what I do each day.

298. I get to mow the lawn this weekend!

299. Healthy dinners

300. As Beau stated, we don’t ever have to share our bathroom again! Whoo! Hoo!


301. Popcorn.

302. My new obsession with cleaning. I hope it lasts.

303. Argos. What a loving dog and he’s calming a bit. And…he hasn’t peed in the house yet. Good dog.

304. Unpacking winter clothes. It’s like Christmas with new clothes I haven’t seen in six months.

305. Emily Post and her site of helpful hints for manners and etiquette


306. Leaving early from work

307. Pumpkin season! Pumpkin carving!




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