Friday, October 14, 2011

Being a wife

Wow, have I had a lot of thoughts running through my head today. Vegans, cooking and now being a wife.


I went out with the girls last night to The Fat Hen and had a great time. Great food. Great conversation.


[Thought/reminder: I need to make my own chocolate-covered toffee. Pure heaven.]


Anyway, us ladies we talking about being wives and what that meant and things that we loved about marriage and things that we were shocked were more difficult than we had anticipated. I’ve continued with those thoughts today. I’ve been playing out scenarios in my head all day. Some of these have made me mad and some have made me truly happy. But in the end, I’ve been thinking about what and how I can be a great wife and how I can love Beau in the ways that he needs to be loved. How can I love him well?


It dawned on me, I cannot love Beau well (or anyone), unless I’m learning from the master of love, that being Jesus. If I’m not in His presence asking Him to help me with my selfishness, greed, pettiness, insecurities, worth, etc. I will never be able to love myself nor Beau. And I have failed miserably at spending time with Jesus. Therefore, I have done poorly at loving this man. And I don’t want to. He deserves my best. I deserve my best.


I looked up Proverbs 31-being a wife of noble character. I needed a reminder as to what that looked like.


A noble wife:

Can be trusted.

She will greatly enrich his life; bring him good, not bad.

She is resourceful and plan’s ahead.

She’s a hard worker and spends wisely.

She is energetic and strong.

She helps the poor and the needy.

She has no fear of the future. She is prepared.

She dresses well and looks nice.

She is strong and dignified.

When she speaks, her words are wise.

She is kind in her instruction.

She watches over her household carefully.

She is not lazy.

Her children bless her.

Her husband praises her.


Charm is deceptive and beauty does not last, but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.


That’s my goal. Be those things. Learn to love Beau the best that I can in the ways that he needs to be loved. Work on loving others a little later. [I can only handle one big thing at a time.] J







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