Thursday, October 20, 2011

Occupy Movement

In keeping up with the Occupy movement and what it is they’re proposing, it’s shocking!


Below is a little excerpt from an article I read at . This is what the Occupy movement is proposing:


Raise the minimum wage to $20; free college education; guaranteed living-wage income, regardless of employment; immediate across-the-board debt forgiveness for all; outlaw all credit-reporting agencies; and $1 trillion in infrastructure spending.


Shocking isn’t it? I feel like there’s a huge group of them that just don’t understand how money and the economy work. We are in debt people! A ton of it! So, great idea! Let’s go spend a ton more as we pretend and dream that money literally grows on trees. And while we’re at it, lets continue to let low-lifes who contribute nothing to our society other than more low-lifes live for free. They can sit at home and collect money that they don’t contribute to while they teach their children that this is the way to live. So that in the future their children will do the same and then their children and their children’s children. Great idea! And are we even playing with the idea that if college were free, these people would go? Most of them don’t even finish high school. And not because they can’t afford it.

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