Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Thanks to the hubbub I’ve become a regular recycler. I’m always looking to recycle anything. In fact, Beau usually has to help me tone it down because not everything can be recycled.


I’ve also joined Recyclebank. You can earn points by learning about recycling and actually putting what you’ve learned into action. With those points you can “purchase” coupons for local grocery stores, restaurants and products. It’s a no-brainer. You save money without spending money and you become a better conserver of what you’ve been given.


Here’s what I learned today:


Scenario: the shower


If you shorten your shower by just two minutes each time you can save 4600 gallons of water a year.


If you turn off the shower while you lather your hair (watch out ladies!) you can save 3200 gallons of water a year and $150 on your water bill for the year.


While in Japan visiting a friend, I noticed my friend Ayako always turned the water off and on. I wondered why. Now I’m guessing it was probably to conserve water. I used to do this while living in China (to save the hot water-there wasn’t much). And I’m not sure why I stopped. Laziness I think.


Anyway, something to think about and try.

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