Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Take 12

326. A fun weekend in Disney with friends.

327. I ran the entire 5 miles of my leg of the relay. (Haven’t run in months.)

328. Our new floors look amazing at the new house!

329. Heat

330. New menu planning app for my phone.


331. New friends through our volleyball team

332. Had a wonderful last volleyball game of the season. So much fun!

333. Stouffer’s frozen lasagna. There’s no sense in trying to out-do what is already done so well.

334. Fire drills at work that kind of break up the day.

335. Post Selects Banana Nut Crunch


336. That Beau is so good at his job and that he really enjoys it

337. Leftovers-less cooking for me while I focus on other things

338. That Beau didn’t have to stay at a hotel last night for work and he was able to come home to me!

339. That tasks can be completed with a phone call

340. Roaches can be killed with spray I buy at the store


341. Tea-so many flavors!

242. Pretzels-such a lovely salty flavor. And Beau has discovered that pretzels dipped in whole grain mustard is purely delicious!

243. Hand lotion-what a relief.

244. Dancing with my husband in the kitchen. I love those sweet moments.

245. My husband telling me, while carrying me on his back, that I had gotten “lighter” J


246. Another car load of stuff to take over to the new house.

247. My dog’s cute face

248. Laughter that is contagious

249. Escargots in brioche

250. German sausages w/ mustard. Yum.


251. Warm chocolate chip cookies. Nothing but the finest.

252. Working hard and sleeping well

253. Free magazine subscriptions

254. Grace

255. Great conversations with my husband.



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