Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Automated System

In the last few weeks I’ve been sitting in waiting rooms a lot. There have been numerous appts., (i.e. MRI, Orthopedist, GYN, Family Practice, etc.). And at each one I have had to wait.


I’m not the only one. We all have to do it. We all wait in those waiting rooms, sometimes forever it seems like.


I remember in high school I waited two hours for the family doctor before I was seen. I told my dad about it and he raised holy cane with that office. I admit, it was insane to wait that long.


My solution? With computers and phones the way they are, there should be an automated system that calls the patient if the office is running late. It should call to tell you that you’re appt. has been moved back by 30 minutes or however long. If I can get an automated message to remember to pay a bill or that my prescription is ready, I should be able to have an automated message that says that doctor is running late.


My time is equally as valuable as theirs. I have plenty of things I could be other rather than sit in their waiting room reading Women’s Journal or Redbook.


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