Thursday, June 23, 2011

One Thing After Another

Last night Beau and I went out on the sailboat with Donna and some friends that flew in from Washington State, Larry and Julia. I made sandwiches and cut up some fruit and we were excited.


I turn the key and press the crank button and nothing. The engine won’t even turn over. Beau and Larry check all the charge outlets. Everything is normal. I keep trying to the starter. Nothing. Larry and Beau are down in the cabin messing with all of the instruments, trying to figure out what the issue is all the while, sweating profusely. (It was 97° at 6:00 pm.) Long story short, Donna suggested calling the Harbor Master to ask if we could borrow a battery. We couldn’t, but he gave us a sort of mobile jump. It worked!


But I’ve got to tell ya. It has been one thing after another with the boat lately. Every time we go out there is something else that goes wrong. Last time, we lost the main halyard and it is currently at the top of the mast. (We’re waiting on someone small who is brave enough to go up there and get it. Know of anyone?) The time before, the boom broke, fell and crushed the drink holder. Not good.


But on a good note: the sandwiches were scrumptious, we had some good laughs and Argos had a great time barking at the waves!


Turkey Caprese Sandwiches

1 loaf Ciabatta bread, sliced in the width you want for sandwiches (I would also recommend toasting them)

1 jar roasted red peppers (although I forgot these when I assembled the sandwiches and they were still magnificent)

Fresh mozzarella, sliced

A couple large tomatoes, sliced



Sliced turkey (optional)



¼  c chopped fresh basil

1 T chopped fresh parsley

2 T balsamic vinegar

1/3 c EVOO

1 clove garlic, chopped

1 T chopped fresh marjoram (or 1 tsp dried-I didn’t want to buy fresh)


Whisk all the ingredients for the vinaigrette together and set aside.


To assembly the sandwich I made an assembly line type deal. Lay all the bread out. Spread one side of each sandwich with the vinaigrette and the other side of the sandwich with the pesto. And really the rest is up to you. Layer the tomatoes, mozzarella, roasted red peppers and turkey however you want on the bread and with as much or as little as you want. This is YOUR sandwich. It’s good cold, but it’s really good with some butter or olive oil spread on the outside of the sandwich and then grilled. Oh yes, that’s delicious.

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