Friday, February 10, 2012

Thankful Thursday - Take 28

Due to my husband’s suggestion (and I agree with him), I’m not going to be posting “thankfuls" from the list provided to me any longer. He and I both feel as if they are forced. And while it’s true that I am thankful for those things. They are, in a way, forced. I will be returning to my normal Thankful Thursday lists effective immediately. J Welcome back to normalcy.


601. Walking in the women’s bathroom and seeing the toilet seat up. This means it has recently been cleaned and I’m the first to sit on it!

602. Flowers from Beau.

603. Coming home yesterday to find that Beau had cleaned the den and the kitchen.

604. Weight Watchers and accountable friends. I have already started seeing results!

605. Jelly Bellies from Rosa, to celebrate my returning to DTC. Thanks Rosa!


606. Having Angel squeal out of excitement when she saw me!

607. New friends and great parties. Here’s to the Moores and the Commodore’s Ball!

608. Crossfit wearing Beau out yesterday so much so that he wanted to go to bed early. I’m always in favor of that!

609. My new found desire to run. I don’t know where it came from except the equal desire to want to look good in my bikini while we’re in Vegas!

610. Cereal. How I love thee.


611. Coupons. Thank you for saving me money that I can then go out and spend on something else. J

612. The large scale at work that is accurate and reads lower than I thought it would. J

613. Coffee to wake me up

614. Ladies tonight at Social!

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