Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thankful Thursday - Take 27

566. 3 gifts that might never have been – the rest of my life with Beau, my experience in China, life in this world

567. 3 graces found in your friends – accountability,

568. a song heard, a soft work, where you saw light – hearing Beau singing a song we heard in church, writing notes of thanks, light peering through the clouds

569. 3 old things seen new – books I’ve not read but are still sitting on my shelf, the importance of exercise,

570. A gift found on a paper, in a person, in a picture – old letters from friends giving encouragement, love and acceptance, memories help and kept


571. A gift found at 11:30 am, at 2:30 pm, at 6:30 pm – lunch (it means I finally get to eat after such a tiny breakfast), timesheets that remind that I have a job I get paid for and therefore am thankful for, dinner (it means Beau and I stop the craziness of the afternoon/evening and enjoy food together while sitting close and talking and smiling)

572. 3 things over heard today, all gifts – my dad waking up my mom and bringing her coffee in bed, the jingle of Argos’ collar,

573. A conversation with a friend. Restoration, reconciliation, hope for future, forgiveness, tears, smiles, growth.

574. Helping someone learn to swim

575. A fabulous husband who drove me down to Florida so that I could take a certification test. He took the day off from work and sat in a hotel all day working and encouraging me and making appointments for me. I’m so thankful!


576. We were able to celebrate in Florida together after taking the test. So thankful.

577. An accountability partner in Beau.

578. I love class!

579. Friends to travel with.

580. Indian food. I’m so glad there’s variety in foods!


581. Free time at work that is allowing me to get some school work done.

582. Morning phone calls with my mom.

583. A husband that enjoys being organized with me.

584. A plan. We know the plan changes and adapts as time goes on, but glad we’re not flailing through life without a plan.

585. The discipline to wake up early this morning and work out. We’ll see what tomorrow morning brings.


586. Michael Angelo’s frozen Eggplant Parmesan – it’s really super good

587. Beau opening the garage door for me in preparation for me coming home

588. Friends to have for dinner

589. Hair cut

590. Bathrooms in grocery stores – are these new things?


591. Green vegetables

592. Clean water to drink

593. Learning about all sorts of things. So much to read and listen to and watch. It’s everywhere!

594. –teaching me so much on love this week. Dying to self and taking time, and laying down and being still. Forgetting my plans…

595. Pondering thoughts of greatness


596. Fruit

597. Bread with salted butter ;)

598. Okra – one of those vegetables that incredibly underutilized

599. Early dismissals

600. Hearing my husband say that he couldn’t wait to talk to me J




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