Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Take 9

242. Belk’s big sale of 80% that allowed me to get a sundress for $10!

243. Restaurant week and trying new restaurants

244. My husband’s admission into the SAR. He’s so happy!

245. We found a coffeepot at the house

246. Finally decided on a flooring company to do our floors

247. The great weekend that Beau and I have had lately. Nothing to do but enjoy ourselves! It’s been so wonderful!

248. GRE test complete!

249. A husband that will go with me to look at consignment furniture. What women can say that?!

250. A washer and dryer

251. Earth Fare coupons

252. Microsoft Outlook

253. A husband who appreciates my cooking

254. My husband cleaned the house while I was taking the GRE. Such a good man!

255. Cooler weather coming our way!

256. Lactose-free yogurt

257. Venison in my freezer

258. co-workers who share

259. Lunch out with dear friends

260. Ladies’ Night tonight!

261. A God who speaks and is actively pursuing us


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