Friday, September 2, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Take 7

191. We sold our house! In two weeks with only two people looking at it, it sold! We’re so thankful and relieved!

192. Friends to walk with.

193. Jason’s Deli salad bar to go. $8 and you can pack it as full as possible, take it home and make 2-3 meals from it! No brainer.

194. Updates from friends living overseas

195. Ability to help friends.

196. Volleyball games and hangout time afterwards.

197. A relaxing weekend with my husband.

198. The nice greenway I have to walk on.

199. Niece/nephew #2! Jennifer is pregnant!

200. Hot showers

201. College football starts Saturday!

202. My brother is coming into town for a visit.

203. Post Banana Nut Crunch-my favorite cereal

204. Continued growth for me and Beau

205. Dry shampoo-some days, you just don’t want to blow dry

206. Beau and I have been married six months as of Monday!

207. The sudden urge to clean things. It relaxes me now…go figure.

208. New links to inspirations for design. What I want out new house to look is slowly coming together.

209. Such a handy husband.

210. My deep freezer.

211. Netflix

212. Free magazine subscriptions

213. Soreness from my workouts-that must mean I’m really working, right?!

214. There are people out there who are so passionate about the hope that Jesus gives, that they’ve decided to share it at whatever cost is necessary

215. Giving people

216. The readings of some friends at

217. A beautiful bridge to walk over and call it exercise

218. Free movie rentals from Blockbuster and REDBOX

219. My Coke Rewards and grocery deals

220. Excel

221. Long fingernails that help me to feel more feminine

222. Salads and fresh food (I remember not having that option while living overseas. I’m a girl who loves options!)




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