Thursday, September 15, 2011


At some point last fall, Beau and I drove up to Philadelphia for him to run the Philadelphia marathon. We stopped in to see the parents of some friends of his, Joe and Angie. Joe’s parents, Leo and Sylvia are a darling couple that are in their 90’s.


Well, towards the end of the visit, Sylvia wanted to show us around their house and while doing so, she gave me a gift-a little keepsake box in the shape of a mallard. When Beau and I got back in the car to drive back into the city, he showed me all the food Sylvia had given him and I showed him the duck. We laughed.


Upon seeing Donna, I gave it to her. I thought she should have it. ;) She didn’t want it. This has started the “Duck War”. We go back and forth hiding it at each other’s house. It’s actually become quite comical. Right now Beau and I have no idea where it is. Donna has put it somewhere.


“Duck War” Pasta with Slow-Roasted Duck

1 lb tagliatelle

1 or 2 slow-roasted duck legs (recipe below)

4 finely chopped garlic cloves

1 T butter

1-2 T duck fat



Lemon zest

1-2 T lemon juice



Pat the duck legs dry. Prick skin all over with a needle to help render out fat. Salt all over generously. Place skin side up in a 300 degree oven in a casserole dish just small enough to fit them without overlapping. Cook for about 90 minutes or until skin starts pulling away from the bones and getting crispy. Turn up the heat to 375 for 15 minutes until duck starts to get light golden brown. Remove from oven and let cool 15 minutes.


Pick all the meat off the duck legs and reserve the skin. Tear the meat and skin into smallish pieces.

Heat a large sauté pan over medium-high heat for 2 minutes. Add the butter and duck fat and duck meat and skin. Turn the heat down to medium.

Put the pasta in the boiling water. Stir it from time to time.

Add the garlic to the sauté pan and mix well. Watch the garlic: The moment it begins to brown, turn off the heat.

Drain the pasta when it is al dente, or use tongs to take it from the boiling water right into the sauté pan. Turn the heat back on to medium. Toss the pasta in the sauté pan, making sure it is all coated well. Add more duck fat if needed. Add some black pepper and 1 T lemon juice and toss again. Taste and add the second T of lemon juice if you want.

Serve immediately with the lemon zest sprinkled on top.

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