Friday, April 5, 2013

Things to Come

I’ve been working 9-hour days this week so that Beau and I could get on the road early today to head up to NC for Evan’s first birthday party. We’re having dinner with mom and dad tonight.


In addition to that, Beau will be picking me up from work, which means he had to take me to work this morning. I leave the house at 6:45 to get to work and usually the hubster is still cranking out the zzzzzssss. Not this morning. He woke up and drove me.


Well, I didn’t sleep well and had actually been up way before my alarm even went off so by the time Beau and I were on our way to work, I was WIDE awake!


As we started the drive there was complete silence. [It’s raining out.]


That soon stopped. Then we drove over the Don Holt Bridge.

Me:  “What is the actual definition of sequester? We can use it in a sentence when it comes to the government and a jury, but what was the actual definition?”

Hubster: “look it up”.

I looked it up.


Then we passed WestVaco.

Me: Why is the steam so low to ground today? It makes it look like there’s so much more than normal? Is it the clouds? The weather? Are they actually putting out more steam today than normal?

Hubster: “Not sure honey.”


Then we pass two Budweiser trucks on the side of the road.


Me: Do you think that second truck driver is just being nice or is there some corporate policy making him stop to help a colleague?

Hubster: “Not sure honey.”


We’re finally pulling up to my work when the hubster says that this drive has given him a glimpse into the future of when we have children. He thinks that our children will be morning people like their mother and they’ll be full of a ton of questions every day, most of which will be asked of him early in the morning when he’s still half asleep. His response? “Write it down and we’ll talk about it later.”


I laughed until we parted ways.


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