Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thankful Thursday

1.       A car that doesn’t overheat and has air-conditioning

2.       Finding old CDs with songs I love!

3.       New friends that God has brought me just this week

4.       Parents that wake up early enough to talk to me on an early morning drive

5.       Dunkin’ Donuts, so I’m not forced to drink Starbucks

6.       Will-the manage at Hampton Inn-Murrells Inlet for helping me surprise my husband

7.       Beau-a husband who’s verbal in how much he loves me and how happy he is

8.       The ability to pull off a good surprise

9.       Tempura fried calamari-the best we’ve had since Spain

10.   A great boss who’s understanding of why I was late to work this morning (the drive back from Myrtle Beach)

11.   Co-workers that make me laugh

12.   A night out with new girlfriends, painting

13.   A dog that gets super excited to see me, even if I’ve only run out to the car to get something

14.   A kind woman at the gas station yesterday who complimented me on my dress

15.   The ability to read and continue to learn

16.   My nice golden tan (a first since maybe ’08)

17.   So many laughing moments

18.   A great lake weekend with family and friends-serious relaxation

19.   The gift of marriage and knowing someone so intimately

20.   Warm weather and sunshine

21.   Hope-only found in Christ. Wow, tough life without it

22.   Wedding gifts still coming in the mail

23.   Great finds at Target

24.   The cheap massage Groupon that I will be taking advantage of in a few weeks

25.   Health insurance

26.   Initiative and drive

27.   My adventurous husband

28.   Free Saturdays that I can use for baking

29. – my favorite place to look up recipes

30.   Two female bathrooms at work rather than one

31.   Home grown jalapenos

32.   To be hungry and then to feel satisfaction and fullness

33.   The money to help people

34.   People at work who help me

35.   My work schedule from 7-3

36.   My Cuisinart ice cream maker-one day I’ll be able to make lactose free ice cream!


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