Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thankful Thursday Take 3

66. A husband that wants to spend as much time with me as possible.

67. A boss that says “Thank You”

68. My new to-go coffee mug (doesn’t leak)

69. Nilla wafers (a subtle sweetness of yum)

70. A mom that I get to see often

71. Angel – a woman I work with that makes me laugh out loud!

72. That I laugh at work

73. Bon Appétit magazine

74. Sabra hummus

75. A love for cooking (since I’m supposed to be doing it anyway)

76. Facebook-I know it’s a major time waster, but it allows me to keep up with people I might not otherwise be able to

77. The ability to order photos online and have them shipped directly to me

78. A mother and father who pray

79. I’m only required to go to one meeting a week

80. Water

81. Comfort food

82. I have people who laugh with me and not AT me

83. That God has my past, present and future

84. Sunglasses to help ward off crows feet

85. A man I work with walks around singing “Hungry Eyes”

86. That I have a college degree

87. A husband who’s brilliant

88. Growth (not in height)

89. Good health

90. Sunshine and clean air

91. Surprises in the mail (like the free trash bag I received yesterday!)

92. Did I say Nilla wafers?

93. Autonomy at work

94. Couch time

95. The big green egg

96. Friends who have a touch for design because I definitely don’t!

1 comment:

Karen & Tony said...

One of my favorite lists thus far!