Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Take 2

37. Thai food that involves coconut milk and peanuts. Yum!

38. New friends

39. Argos – we have the same bottom lip you know. It’s obvious I’m his mother. J

40. Morning coffee

41. My husband’s giggle – it makes me laugh everytime!

42. That Beau takes such tender care of Argos-it gives me a glimpse of what a great father he will be one day

43. Beau – my gift from God; the man that helps me be a better person

44. A God who continues to welcome me back

45. Autonomy at work

46. Lactose-free yogurt

47. Fresh fruit during the summer months

48. Chocolate

49. Hope

50. I have a roof over my head and a full belly each night

51. A husband that calls me during his busy workday

52. M & M’s

53. Books written by people who have learned something that I’m trying to learn-anything is helpful!

54. My immersion blender-makes pureeing soup a breeze and less likely of injury

55. Open eyes to see my wrong in the past, but the grace and opportunity to correct myself and move forward as a person better able to love

56. A husband who actually wants me to buy shoes! Aren’t I a lucky girl?!?!

57. A mother-in-law that loves me and treats me like her daughter.

58. I’ve managed to not gain a LOT of weight dispite the homemade ice cream and cupcakes each week!

59. Good relationships with colleagues.

60. My husband has amazing friends that he enjoys and trusts.

61. My soup tureen. Thank you to Katie Hlavacek for giving me a reason to use it!

62. That I took typing in high school and can type fast and am not a two finger poker!

63. My Pop-Pop accepted Christ this week!

64. Kind men who offer to take my grocery cart in for me

65. Samples at the grocery store-helps me from buying the whole store when I’m starving!




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