Monday, September 29, 2014

This is not a joke

Remember we made the decision to go for IVF on Monday and by Saturday we were back in the doctor’s office for the egg retrieval. Four days later we were back for the implantation. The picture you see on the back of the announcements are our two little babies in embryo stage prior to implantation. We found that so fascinating to be able to see them at that stage.


After leaving the implantation we were told to come back in two weeks to see if we were pregnant. “Don’t take a pregnancy test” they said. For those of you who don’t know me all that well, I’m a rule follower to the “T”. So no, I never took a test. I waited, impatiently I might add. Two weeks later on a beautiful Monday, the nurse called to say “You’re pregnant!”


Holy cow! I started jumping up and down in Beau’s office. Up and down! Beau, I think sat there in disbelief a bit. He smiled, but did not react as crazily as I did. I couldn’t believe it! It was actually happening for us. Excited was an understatement. We called immediate family right away!


It wasn’t until two weeks afterwards that we went in for an ultrasound to find out how many embryos took to the uterus. In the room with us were Dr. Schnorr, a medical resident and one of our favorite nurses, Kristen. The doctor starts the ultrasound and immediately says, “So, you’re having twins” and then went immediately into “blah, blah, blah”. I have no idea what he said after that, I just wanted him to go back and say the first part again. He was so casual with it, I thought he must have been joking or something!


But no. Not a joke.

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