Friday, September 26, 2014

Next Step...

Like I said in the last post, this last IUI round didn’t go as “normal” and no one was really sure why. The doctors continued to up dosage and just wait for things to happen as they should.


One Monday afternoon after coming in for bloodwork in the morning, my nurse, Andrea, called to say that instead of having just a few good size eggs ready, I had about 20! That meant that instead of an IUI, I was perfectly set up for IVF.


Let me go back a bit. If they had let me continue with an IUI with 20 eggs, there was a possibility I could have been octomom! I did not want to be on television for that! The other option was for them to, for lack of a better word, “pop” the eggs, which they said would be incredibly inhumane for me because it would be so laborious and painful for me. So the best option? IVF or nothing and I would have wasted that month of prep.


I had to make the decision that day. Beau was out of town. I made the call. He and I discussed it and we both felt this was God’s doing. It would be too difficult and long of a paragraph for me to explain everything that a woman normally has to go through to prepare for IVF. And I did almost none of that. We truly believe that through the efforts of myself, Beau and the doctors, God blessed those and increased them greatly and had His own plan for that time. We decided to go for it…


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