Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Gamecocks in the Amish Country

So we spent the weekend in Lancaster PA and the surrounding area. It was a rushed but great trip that included dinner with an Amish family, a Broadway like production of Moses, and my favorite, a trip to Gettysburg. We also visiting Kathryn's family including Uncle Jerry and Aunt Joan. On Saturday, Chris and I headed up to a bar to watch the Gamecocks play Vandy. This bar was called The Bullfrog and was in the tiny town of Georgetown PA. It was around 10, which is late in the Amish day, and the bar was pretty empty...maybe because they don't drink. Anyway, I decided it was an opportunity to "buy a shot for the house." So I did and we quickly made friends and the good guys quickly ran up 14 points. I channeled my inner deacon and proclaimed "when you give you receive." I was the entertainment. Anyway, Chris and I had a good time and here are the pictures to prove it. Note the very young looking Amish boys who were part of the action. I will leave off their names but they were Carolina fans that night.

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