Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A bountiful harvest

THESE are what I picked from our plants yesterday afternoon. We’ve got tomatoes and jalapenos!!!! And there are plenty more coming. I love feeling like I’m doing something with my hands. Although I must admit it has little to do with me. God’s creation and His hand and then, of course, the hubster’s watering skills that he practices daily. So you see, I merely get to harvest the beautiful creatures. Now…what to do with them.


Speaking of vegetables…I picked up our CSA box from Boone Hall Farms yesterday and was thrilled to find green tomatoes! During the winter months, Beau and I went to the Tattooed Moose twice. Once with Martin and once with Josh. On each plate, the famous little dive serves pickled green tomatoes and they are fantastic. I’ve been dying to eat them again. So I’m going to try my hand at pickling a few jars of them. Wish me luck. And then come over and try them. J


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