Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Week 1: Class 1

Beau and I went to our first class for our Master in Project Management from The Citadel. We were late. Yep. Late on the first day. Not a great first impression, but I feel confident we made up for that as the class went on.


We drove to The Citadel for class and quickly found out that room 106 is a coat closet. Whoops. If we had actually read the paperwork regarding our class, we would have known that class is held at a different building by the airport. We drove there.


Our teacher is SUPER excited about the class. He’s a very animated man with a few quirks. We like him. I think the class is going to be interesting and even if the subject matter isn’t, he sure is. We’ll never be board!


We’ve got the other class tonight. Hopefully just as exciting…

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