Friday, May 20, 2011

Frustrated and with no voice

I feel like I don’t have a voice in this world. I mean, I can talk and I do that quite often. And people who know me and like me tend to listen to some extent. But as far as things happening in this world and more specifically, in our country, I don’t have a voice. I want one. I want one real bad.


I recently viewed a commercial on television talking about something very PC right now in our country. The commercial was giving a statement as fact, not as opinion. Here’s what frustrates me…


We are told that we have the freedom to believe, speak, teach our children, write about, etc. what we believe to be true. In actuality, that’s not so true. We have the freedom to do all of this if we believe the same as the government, the media and Hollywood. If not, well… we’re considered ignorant, intolerant or some other adjective. Funny how one-sided that thought process is, huh?


So in a world where one side gets put in jail, scolded, fined, loses their job, branded, etc. there is another side that is awarded, praised and even worshipped as the brilliant people who finally “get it”. Are we that blind? Can no one else see what is happening? This is not progression. This is oppression. We came out of it, only to go back into it. We’re just on the other side now.



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