Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thankful Thursday - Take 37

798. Ice cream truck came through yesterday.

799. The big thud I heard in the middle of the night was only my razor falling off the wall in the shower and not someone trying to break in.

800. Walks in the park with Argos.


801. A sister who knows exceptionally more about skin care than I could ever dream.

802. My niece, Riley, told me she loved me yesterday. J

803. Day out on the boat with friends, Mikey and Rosa.

804. Quick response for a new work computer.

805. A backup lunch in the freezer when the one I brought to work turned bad.


806. Match tea that Donna introduced me to.

807. The new consignment store we’ve discovered in Belle Hall Shopping Center. It will be visited this weekend! J

808. More growth in our vegetables. I picked three tomatoes yesterday!

809. Our vegetable co-op and trying new things. We received green tomatoes on Tuesday! Gonna fry those suckers up!

810. Being on the same page financially with my husband.


811. Our new clothesline.

812. Beau eats leftovers with me so there’s no waste.

813. Neighbors that go to our church and we can talk about that stuff with.

814. The ladies in my new spinning class and how encouraging they are.

815. Water. Do I say this every week? I mean really. It’s a great thing to have and so many people don’t have it. Be thankful.

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