Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Thankful Thursday - Take 34

714. One of the best funerals I’ve been to. Aunt Becky truly was a selfless woman.

715. Rain last weekend. Our crops really shot up!


716. Sara’s surgery went well yesterday and she’s on her way to recovery! No more pain!

717. Being able to visit Matt and Sara yesterday. It was good to see them.

718. Hanging out with family this weekend. Mom and Dad and Donna came over for dinner and we had delicious seafood!

719. Seeing Jenn and Chris and little Evan. Such fun.

720. Sinus medication. Going through a day with the headaches I’m getting would nearly be impossible. How did settlers’ do it?


721. The Crockpot. I really should utilize this appliance more than I do.

722. My washing machine. I’m glad we’re not still in the days of washing clothes by hand.

723. CSA. The strawberries are getting sweeter every week!

724. Wonderful husbands such as mine. That when I forget my take home test twice, he’s willing to get it for me and take to the professor. Such a servant’s heart.

725. Projects and presentations are complete for this semester. One final down and one to go!


726. God’s goodness in giving us gifts.

727. Christian music that reminds me of His goodness.

728. Harris Teeter gas cards.

729. Budgeting

730. Our forefathers.


731. Evenings at home.

732. Friendships.

733. Yoga. I really enjoy it this new type of exercise.

734. Our crops on the porch. We have our first jalapeno and we have over 20 tomatoes!

735. The hubster, who is by far my best friend.


736. A great relationship with my Donna, my MIL. J

737. Birds chirping in the morning.

738. Driving to work in daylight.

739. Interacting with people that are not nice. It reminds me that all people need love and it helps me to look at myself and self-coach so I’m not like that.

740. That there are food holidays such as today, which is National Pretzel Day. Makes planning meals a little more fun! And on May 1 (my birthday), it’s National Chocolate Parfait Day. I think this is appropriate that it be a dessert. J


741. Dunkin Donuts-I’m so glad there’s an alternative to Starbucks!

742. Education



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