Friday, December 30, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Take 22

447. A friend who called and asked to have tea with me. Just to chat. Meant so much to me.

448. My new favorite tea flavor – Sleepytime Vanilla

449. Shared Christmas with both mine and Beau’s family. I was so thankful and grateful they shared their day.

450. Lots of sleep and rest last week


451. Ability to run again. I’ve run two miles a few times! Huge progress.

452. A FROG that’s finally clean with stuff put away!

453.  Pictures and picture phones. They allow me to be a part of things I otherwise would not.

454. Lunch with Beau on Wednesday. Always nice to see him in the middle of the day!

455. My good friend, April, is coming into town tonight to see us! We knew each other in China and I haven’t seen her in over a year!


456. Beau is able to see all of his closest friends this week. He loves them so much!

457. A wonderful sister that is so encouraging and understanding.



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