Friday, December 9, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Take 21

421. Safe travels for everyone on the backpacking trip.

422. That Beau and I were able to take off work and go sleep in the mountains with friends and family. We had a great time!

423. A hot fire while out in the woods.

424. There were no encounters with bears.

425. Beau and I got our fix of Taco Bell…and that will do us for a LONG time!


426. My knee, nor my hip hurt the entire backpacking trip!

427. Donna came over Tuesday night to clean up after my baking mess. So helpful!

428. A coupon for a free meal from Whole Foods. We’ll be getting those again btw; they are delicious!

429. Completed enough of Christmas baking to get some gifts out the door this week!

430. Everyone is in a good mood at work, which makes it all the more wonderful!


431. My company bought everyone breakfast Tuesday morning. So nice!

432. Those revelations that pop into my head as I drive down the road. Revelations that are clearly from the Lord. He shows me that I had been looking at/thinking about something all wrong the whole time! Perspective my dear…

433. Being able to console and help a friend.

434. The beautiful sunflowers Beau brought home for me on Monday in honor of our 9 month anniversary!

435. And that wonderful man mowed the lawn and edged the yard one last time before spring comes back ‘round.


436. Ladies’ night tonight! It’s such a wonderful treat to be with them one night each month!

437. Continued knee healing

438. Feeling sporty

439. My husband’s support in everything – means so much to me!

440. Laughing with the man of my dreams


441. Having a dog who runs to me when he’s hurt.

442. I have a reliable car to drive.

443. I live in a safe neighborhood where kids run and play.

444. Having friends at work.

445. My mom and sister, who have become my best friends!


446. A fabulous church to attend.

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