Thursday, August 5, 2021

Sequoia NP

 Sequoia has by far been one of my favorite trees. There's so something so comforting to me to be around such large trees. It gives a sense of safety and peace to among trees that have been around for thousands of years, have grown and grown, withstood fires and wind and because the tree around them is standing, they too continue to stand. It's majestic and quite frankly it smells really nice.

I hope you're getting a good idea of how large these trees truly are. General Sherman (not pictured) is the largest tree in the world and it's right here in Sequoia NP. Later you'll hear about more Sequoia trees in Redwoods National Park (different breed of sequoias mind you).

It just so happened that while in Sequoia we celebrated the kiddos' completion of Kindergarten!!! Oh we had to celebrate...with cake! 1st grade here we come!

And remember that discussion on laundry? This is a perfect example of a really bad laundry experience. RV park says there are laundry facilities. Kathryn takes her two loads to the laundry facility. There are four washers; two are in working order. (Thankfully that was enough for us.) Kathryn finishes washes and wants to dry to find that while two of the drawers are marked as out of order, the other should also be marked because they are, in fact, out of order. And then the below has to take place. We looked like Sandford & Son or the Clampetts (before they moved to the Beverly Hills).

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