Monday, June 14, 2021

Great Sand Dunes National Park

 Great Sand Dunes was intended to bring us (mainly Kathryn) a lot of relief from the cold. All I read prior to going was the heat of the sand and how we needed to plan to go early in the morning or we could burn our feet, legs, etc. I was ready and waiting for some heat and was not found. We were shocked to find that it was not only cold, but extremely windy. So much so that we were not able to be outside for most of the day while we were there. Being next to the biggest sand dunes in North America with winds like those does not make for great weather outside. 

We were able to climb the sand dunes one day, which was lets say, a great way to get some energy out of those kiddos! ;) If you've ever walked the sand at the beach you know how tiring it can be on your legs. Imagine a couple football fields worth of sand dunes. The kids had a great time climbing to the top and then rolling down them. Holes were dug, flip flops were lost and clothes were filled with sand! 

We completed our visit to Great Sand Dunes with a hike on a nearby mountain, giving us a great view of the dunes. As you can see, we were met with snow. For children from Charleston, SC snow is an anomaly and one they were thrilled to experience. 

Our visit to Great Sand Dunes ended a day early because...

1. I was miserable with the cold and the wind. And while there isn't much to completely take away my joy, being cold is unfortunately one of them. I was one unhappy camper...

2. Beau's computer cord died, thereby giving him no ability to power up his computer. Naturally, this created a bit of a panic with being able to do work well and we had to make a plan to get his company to replace the computer and then work out a place in which we could have the computer shipped overnight. When the campground we were staying at refused to receive the package for us, we had to make other plans. Thankfully, we had a friend in Denver we were planning to see who blessed us with their home address.

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