Tuesday, December 2, 2014

She Said That

I went to Petco last night to get the A-Man some food. I ran into someone I know and they asked when the big day was (due date). I responded with March 21st (OB isn't going to let me go past that date). The lady in front of me in line and the cashier both looked at my belly and then responded with "Really?!?!?!". Well, um, yes, I'm having twins!!! Geesh. You would almost expect a man to say something like that but women should know better. :)

1 comment:

Marsha said...

I really do not know the proper name for the social phenomena, but people just make comments when you are pregnant or have a small baby! Once Ian came home from the hospital whenever I took him to the grocery store or toy store... people would always comment on how small he was (only 27 weeks when born, but full term when he came home) and they would comment on my "flat stomach"... just didn't feel like telling everyone the whole story about the premature birth and adoption, so I would just say, "Thank you"