Sunday, January 26, 2014

Duck hunt

So I finally has the opportunity to get out there after many attempts and help. First I want to thank my father in law and brother in law for getting a duck stamp and shells for me respectively. We headed out to Lake Marion for an early Saturday AM hunt. We took Morgan and my boat which made us look ridiculous since it is a white center console while everyone else had camo john boats. We manned it up by tucking the boat in the grass behind me and wading out. My waders were borrowed and waterproof. Michaels were his own and I wish I could relay the shock he had when 33 degree water started seeping in near his knee. I say 33 because water froze around us while we stood there and one of the coolest sound (pun) I've ever heard was a boat going by and the wake cracking the sheet of ice in the cypress trees behind me. Michael somehow kept it together and we hunted until I got one and headed back. Ps the landing was still frozen so it was pretty difficult getting the boat out. First time in the books. Next year will be even better.

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