Wednesday, March 27, 2013


So on Thursday right before I left for Disney, and I mean right before I left. (Imagine, I’m leaving at 12:00 because Beau is picking me up and at 11:45 my boss sits me down.) My boss tells me that I’m no longer working in that building and that I’m moving over to our corporate building to do project management: financial closeout. What?!?!


I had so many questions, but none could be answered other than report to some lady on Monday at 7:30. I couldn’t even pack up my desk. I went back over on Monday to do that.


Well, as you know, it’s now Wednesday and I’ve been here since Monday at 7:30. The last few days have been somewhat chaotic with having little direction and others having to get some stuff done because it’s “hot” so I’m off and on with learning some stuff and trying some new things.


Overall, I’m thrilled to be here. I’m sad to leave those that I’ve come to love over at my other building, but excited for the new opportunity here. I’m already learning a lot and getting to try new things. I’m thankful they put here and we’ll see what comes of it!


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