Monday, August 1, 2011


Beau and I really worked hard this weekend fixing up our house, cleaning it and make some additions. Friday was our play/fun night. And Saturday we got to work! We cleaned, cleaned, cleaned (e.g. washed sheets, dog bed and all of our dirty clothes, Beau scrubbed the bathroom on his hands and knees, mopped all the floors in the house, vacuumed all the bedrooms, beat the rug that goes in the den, overhauled the kitchen with some much-needed purging of some items, cleaned out the fridge and disinfected it, cleaned out closets). We also took items to Good Will, returned some items at a few stores, visited both of Beau’s grandmothers and visited my Pop-Pop.


Sunday Beau Thomas Watersealed (can I make a name into a verb?) the back porch. We cleaned out the garage and did some purging there as well. Went to Lowe’s and bought the needed equipment and parts to install a pot rack. Beau put up the new pot rack that he designed and built himself! He also put in the new garbage disposal! In the midst of the pot rack and garbage disposal events, my sweet husband let me take a nap.


Is my husband handy or what? Look what a great job he did!


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