Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Take 6

167. Beau kept his job! (Pfizer had layoffs today. L )

168. Money to buy gas to drive up to Myrtle Beach to see my husband while he’s away.

169. An understanding boss that isn’t mad when I show up to work late the next morning because I’m driving back from Myrtle Beach. J

170. Good conversations with dear friends

171. My layers are finally long enough to put my hair into a braid.

172. Girls at work that make me laugh out loud

173. 2.5 weeks until football season. Go USC!

174. Continental breakfast (that also makes my lunch) at the Hampton Inn

175. Helpful people at work who give me good direction

176. New challenges at work to helpfully grow my career

177. That the thing I go to everyday is turning into more of a career than just a job

178. A husband who’s excited for me

179. A mother-in-law who watches our “child” at the spur of the moment

180. God’s goodness in giving us good gifts

181. Blanket at work to keep me warm

182. Bananas and Peanut Butter

183. That I have nothing going on tonight, which means I can go to bed early!!!!!

184. My parents wake up super early and can talk to me on my drive back to Charleston

185. A steep bridge to walk over to give me a good workout

186. Dreams of the future

187. Hope

188. Meme, who’s letting us store our stuff at her house while we try to sell ours (any takers on wanting to buy?!)

189. A showing on Sunday (be praying they love it!)

190. My iPod at work-getting things done and humming while I do it


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