Monday, April 6, 2015


Our first Easter with the kiddos has come and gone. It was a great weekend that began with a dinner that included Josh and Kelly with their new baby Alex. We grilled steaks and shared laughs, stories, advice, and trials. Unfortunately I tried to step back to the days before kids and tipped the bottle a little too much which made for more stories that I can barely remember.

Poppy Tony arrived Saturday. He had a great time caring for the kids and Kathryn and I had the treat of going out by ourselves. We headed over to Daniel Island to one of our more favorite Mexican establishments. I have to commend my wife as she didn't fret about the kids while we were out. Of course they were in capable hands but it says something for a new mom to be so bold.

Sunday was beautiful in Charleston and we took advantage. Tony and I ran through the park and then went on a long walk with the family through the park. We then grilled burgers and had a lot of laughs. The pictures are Caroline in Kathryn's outfits and Gray in mine.

The days are long but the years are short.

1 comment:

Barb Thompson said...

They are adorable. What a blessing !