Saturday, February 21, 2015

34 Weeks

We made it to the goal of 34 weeks! Praise the Lord! On Wednesday I was put on bed rest because I had already started to dilate. That was most likely due to the weight of the babies. So I was instructed to stay seated with my feet up and eliminate stress. So that's what I've been "trying" to do. It's hard. For those women out there who have to be in bed rest for months...I don't know how you do it! I have to remain this way until Tuesday when I see the doc again at which point I hope she'll let me go back to life as I know it.

Recent Happenings:
1. Was given two steroid shots to help expedite the growth of the babies' lungs.
2. No stretch marks!
3. Half my maternity wardrobe is no longer an option due to the size of the ever growing belly.
4. Was hooked up to a machine to monitor contractions. None yet. No pre-term labor!
5. Both cribs are assembled and in the nursery.
6. Met the pediatrician. Love him!
7. Met a man who claimed he had a vision we were having a red-headed boy. We shall see!!
8. I now need to be pulled/pushed from my seat to be able to get out of it.
9. Baby A is head down and Baby B is breech.
10. My work colleagues threw me a shower! So nice of them!!
11. We're nesting. Trying our best to clean the house and car and dog and get us ready.
12. Babies are each growing an inch/week.
13. I am officially always hot.

Maximum four weeks left to go!!!!

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