Saturday, February 14, 2015

33 weeks

So we're 33 weeks today and my belly is measuring full-term for a singleton pregnancy. And I can feel it!

Babies weigh an estimated 4 lbs 10 oz and 4lbs 6 oz which totals 9 lbs of baby! And they both have hair!

No Braxton Hicks contractions, at least what I can feel. Major swelling from the blockage that's protruding from the front of me we call the belly. Sleep is poor during the night as it's hard to stay comfortable. But afternoon naps have been a life-saver!

Both babies are breech with little chance they'll change now. Although not completely impossible. Breech means they're kicking me in my behind! Sometimes it takes my breath away!

We have the car seats in the car, diaper bag is packed, my hospital bag is packed and it appears that we're ready logistically.

Tonight we're headed out for Valentine's and still trying to enjoy our "just us" time.

5 weeks to go!!!!

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