Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Babies 'R Us

I went to Babies 'R Us this afternoon after work to complete the baby registry. I figured it would be easier than doing it all online. Anyway...

My first stop in the store was merely due to location, the breast pump area. That was on the first aisle. I immediately started scanning items I think I need. But honestly, what could I know? I've never used a breast pump! The closest I've been to one was in the JFK airport one afternoon in the bathroom. I'm standing there washing my hand and I hear this repetitive sound. I wasn't sure what it was. I looked up and there's a woman standing there, putting on her makeup and using the hands-free pump on both breasts. You try not to stare, but honestly, who wouldn't? 

Anyway, experience #2 with the breast pump was today. Standing in the same aisle is a man. I thought it a little strange, but he quickly explained that he was there to buy nipple shields for his wife who had a cracked nipple due to breastfeeding for the first time (baby was 13 days old). Gee, thank you for sharing that detail and making me fearful of breastfeeding!

He proceeded to go walk me up and down the aisle, showing me everything that his wife loved/found helpful and what they've found to be a waste of money. Of course, I was scanning away! He was also nice enough to take me down a couple of other aisles to show me some bottle accessories that were a MUST according to he and his wife. :) 

Sometimes the balding, middle-aged, non-expectant men are the most helpful when it comes to breast feeding! Never underestimate!!! :)

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