Monday, November 16, 2015

Mr. Gray

My “Mr. Squishy”, “Mr. Snuggles”, “Big Fella”. He’s snuggly and smiley. Very infrequently is he just “chill”. Gray is either on a real high or he’s on a real low. He’s emotional and feels deeply. He’s crawling all over the place and likes to try and pull himself up on things. It’s common to think he’s sitting still and hear a big thud realizing he’s just fallen over onto the hardwood floors. But he’s learned that it’s no big deal. He picks himself up and tries again. He’s already started the big older brother gig with taking Caroline’s toys and taunting her with them all the while, watching and laughing as she starts crying. In the morning we can walk into the nursery to find sitting up gripping the bars of the crib just smiling at and talking to us, waiting for one of us to get him out of there! He’s the big eater out of the two (that’s not obvious) that just continues to seem to want more and more. His hair is growing in fast, making him look like a chia pet. He loves to be tickled on his tummy with daddy’s beard. And he loves the outdoors, the sunlight and the cool breeze. And he will chew on anything within arm reach!

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