Thursday, June 19, 2014

Fwd: Bouchon meal

So here's the latest from my Bouchon cooking, taking place last Sunday. 

First Course: Dungeness Crab Salad with Melon and Arugula Salad
Main Course: Herb Gnocchi with Spring Vegetables
Dessert: Strawberry Tart

So, the crab salad. I didn't have dungeness crab. It's from the Northwest coast and really prevalent in the Fall. Since neither of those things worked in my favor last weekend, I just bought lump crab meat. I didn't know the difference so we were fine. The crab salad was a simple mixture of creme fraiche, lemon juice, zest and herbs. And it was delicious. One of the most simple, refreshing and delicious salads we've put in our mouths. The melon was nice, but not needed and the arugula salad was quite tasty made from a reduction of fresh orange juice and sherry vinegar. Yummo.

The gnocchi. Yes, I tackled and accomplished it! In my ignoriance, I thought I was embarking upon some potato gnocchi only to find out that Italian gnocchi is made with potatoes and French gnocchi is made with pate e choux (flour, butter and eggs). So I whipped it and did as the recipe said. And yes, I impressed even myself. The great thing about doing all of that work is that it made so many! They apparently freeze well and the next time I make gnocchi I only  need to thaw them and then cook them up. Back to how they tasted. Two words. Comfort food. I sauteed them with the spring vegetables and brown butter. They were salty and crispy and soft and chewy and oh so good. Beau and I wished I had made more. Can't wait to do that one again.

Strawberry Tart. I chose to make this because...well...strawberries are in season. It first involved making a Pate Sucree. That was a first. Not bad at all. Until I cooked it. The nice golden brown I was supposed to get quickly turned into a darker golden than I would have liked. So needless to say, it was a bit crunchy. And the homemade vanilla pastry cream, although it tasted super, it was a little bit thicker than I think it was supposed to be. But hey, I've never made pastry cream before so one can't be too sure. The strawberries were placed on top, dusted with powdered sugar and voila. A fairly easy summery dessert that will win a crowd for sure. I personally loved that it wasn't overly sweet. Most of the sweetness came from the berries. 

Still loving this cookbook...

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