Tuesday, December 17, 2013

On the Gamecock Field

A couple of months ago, I (Kathryn) contacted a friend of mine who is the chaplain for the Carolina Gamecocks asking him if he could get Beau and I field passes for one of the upcoming games. He said it was doubtful, but he would  try and to ping him back in a couple of weeks. Had to put that one my calendar so I didn’t forget, but it happened. I pinged him and much to my surprise he was able to snag us two passes to the field for the pre-game before Coastal Carolina. My friend said he can never get passes when asks for them, but miraculously was able to do so this time. We were so thankful!


Our good friend, Dan, met Adrian (chaplain) at the stadium earlier in the week and picked up our passes. And that’s when I spilled the beans to Beau. He was thrilled!


Saturday we show up way early to the 1:00 game so that we can really enjoy every minute that we’re allowed to be on that field.


Walking into the stadium, we’re kind of nervous about where we’re allowed to go and what to expect. But everyone was so nice and helpful, wanting to show us things and let us take plenty of pictures.


We were able to personally say “Thank you” to Adrian, stand under the tent that the Gamecocks run out from under, stand super close to some of them and literally stand on the sidelines where they spend six Saturdays a season. It was wonderful. It really was neat to be there.



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