Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thankful Thursday - Take 59

1159. That tomorrow is a half day of work and then I’m on vacation!

1160. Great family fun times with the Evans’ family.


1161. Baking, baking and more baking…

1162. Baked goodies from others

1163. Smiles and laughter at work

1164. Some relaxation on the couch with the hubster and out dog.

1165. Homemade Bolognese. Nothing better.


1166. Laughing with Pop-Pop

1167. Phone calls with dad in the morning.

1168. Dreams of the future and what could be

1169. New opportunities

1170. That Beau has been able to see how many people truly love and respect him. Some people never get to know what good things people think and feel. We’re blessed


1171. Fresh fruit

1172. Clean water to drink.

1173. The “break” in our air conditioner was only a $45 problem. Whew!

1174. Seeing Josh and Kelly on Monday. We love them so much!


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