Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thankful Thursday - Take 63

1232. Beau and I tried a new Sunday school class on Sunday and we really enjoyed it. Everyone was very friendly and welcoming. We’ll be going back this Sunday!

1233. Everyone’s kindness during this hard time for Beau and his family. Thank you to everyone!

1234. Two years of marital bliss with the love of my life!

1235. Argos’ new pillows on his bed. He looks so happy…and spoiled. It’s my own fault really.


1236. Knowing that God has spoken the same thing to me and Beau, helping us to feel confident in our decisions.

1237. Goodies from co-workers.

1238. Wall Street Journal recipes that expand our horizons.

1239. My parents and Donna. They’re wonderful to me and Beau. They love us so much and we have a complete ball with all of them!

1240. My brother, Chris. He calls me for the most random things and I love it! Keep calling Chris!


1241. Beau has been able to spend some good time with his friends apart from me. I know he loves and I know it’s important for him to do. I’m thankful time has allowed for these opportunities.

1242. Clarity

1243. Clean water to drink.

1244. Choices.

1245. New opportunities and experiences through work


1246. A very fun and childlike vacation in Disney last weekend

1247. Coffee in the mornings

1248. Discipline

1249. A wonderful husband that joins with me on things that are important to me. He’s wonderful.

1250. A great husband who is a true partner and teammate in life. I couldn’t do it without him.


1251. For a wonderful pusher and encourager I’ve found in the hubster.

1252. Spoleto is coming. We bought our tickets yesterday.

1253. Desire for a healthy life.

1254. A new desk that allows me spread out, not wear my coat all day and take my shoes off! Yes!

1255. My dearest is 34 years old!


1256. Conversations that bring resolution and deeper understanding.

1257. Tears that heal.

1258. The health benefits of green tea.

1259. Finally starting to make a dent in the freezer. (We’re trying to clean it out.) It’s hard with only two people eating from it.

1260. Good time with family this past weekend.


1261. Milestones completed with school projects.

1262. 12 more weeks of this thing called school.

1263. Blogs that inspire.

1264. Creativity in the kitchen.

1265. Frozen berries I still have in my freezer from when Beau and I picked strawberries, blueberries and blackberries with Meme. Reminds me of her each time I use them.


[Change Up]

You know, it’s funny how items that are important you can remind of important things/people when you use them. I guess because food and cooking is such a love to me and so important to me, I remember picking those berries with Meme. Each time I use my cheesecake pan I think of Pop-Pop because they were his favorite and I think of Julia who gave me that pan. When I use my pots and pans, I remember who gave me each and every one and I think of them.


At the family dinner on Saturday night, Abbey and I were sitting across from one another at our dining room table. I have a runner that lays across it (see photo). Abbey mentioned how much she liked it and I told her that her mother had given me that when I got married. I think of Aunt Becky every time I look at it.


I’m happy I remember these things. Those gifts were not just “things” to me. They remind me that people care for me and are a part of my life. They bring memories to mind.


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