Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Beau and I took Argos into the vet  yesterday for a teeth cleaning. His breath had gotten so bad we figured he was due.


In giving a dog a teeth cleaning that said dog must be put under anesthesia. (New to me.)


When we picked Argie up the vet said she had to extract three teeth! One in the back which was decaying and infected (why his breath was so bad) and two of his front bottom teeth. Poor guys was out of it from the drugs and the pain we felt bad for him.


But on the way home I looked in the backseat and there he is with his tongue hanging out a bit (which it doesn’t normally do) because he doesn’t have the teeth to hold it in. He’s so pitiful.


So you’ll see a pic of that, as well as a picture of the before and after of getting his teeth cleaned. It’s hard being a parent…


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