Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thankful Thursday - Take 49

1009.  My cold is going away and it only took me out of work for 7 hours.

1010. Tomato soup is like chicken soup in that it helps to make you feel better.


1011. Understanding teachers.

1012. A class that is inspiring and has me thinking.

1013. People with experience, who, if listened to, can speak into your life in many ways.

1014. Friendships at work.

1015. Taking naps on the couch with Argos.


1016. Gamecocks won on Saturday! What a great way to start our season!

1017. Cool, crisp weather coming in. I love fall weather!

1018. A new Mexican restaurant we can ride our bikes to. It’s delicious!

1019. A newfound comfort with the shotgun that sits next to our bed. ;)

1020. Shrimping planned.


1021. My husband does a wonderful job making me feel cherished.

1022. Acting like a kid with the hubster.

1023. Dinner out with great friends.

1024. Progress at work.

1025. Reasons to bake.


1026. Great jobs for me and the hubster.

1027. Lunchables. Who knew these things could be so tasty.

1028. Forgiveness

1029. Clean water to drink.

1030. Fresh vegetables.


1031. A very fun weekend ahead that includes DATE NIGHT!!!!!

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