My Pop-Pop for the last 30 years passed away last night. Matthew Charles Moran died at the age of 85 surrounded by some of his favorite people, those who loved him more than anyone else in the world. He has gone to be with his Savior and the love of his life, Polly. Although I’ll miss him terribly, I’m happy for him.
Some memories I have of the Popster:
· Messing up his hair growing up. It drove him crazy for me to do that. But inside he smiled.
· Talking about dancing together at my wedding one day.
· Watching him thumb through his mail. He was very serious.
· His jeans were always too big for him and unfortunately that meant we got the pleasure of seeing his butt crack a little too much.
· Talking to him about his St. Jude donations and the children he was helping.
· He taught me how to make delicious tuna salad.
· He taught me to make individual size portions of soup and freeze them for a rainy day.
· His “dry” eye. That eye was always watering. It was like a single tear was always in motion.
· His pride at being a Veteran.
· The smile that erupted on his face each and every time one of his children and/or grandchildren walked through the door to see him.
· I will always appreciate his love of ice cream. He has definitely passed that love down through the generations.
· He loved his hair. Loved it! Always talked about how his hair dresser said it was finest head of hair she had ever seen.
· How he hit on every good looking nurse he came across. It was hilarious and something we expected. He wouldn’t have been Pop-pop if he didn’t do it. The women loved it!
· He loved my grandmother! Loved her so much! That man has pined for her since the moment he met her and never stopped even when she passed away.
· He hated Teresa’s cat. But really loved him. Called him “stupid cat”.
· Giving his life over the Jesus. Influenced by a note that carried in wallet for years.
I love you Pop Pop. I’m going to miss you.